Ryan C. Harris Learning Teaching Center
Welcome to the LTC
The Ryan C. Harris Learning Teaching Center is the University of Dayton's laboratory for innovation in learning and teaching. The LTC is the hub for faculty development and student success throughout UD.
The Blend
A student run coffee shop that's been serving drinks since the LTC opened in 2000
Studio Classroom
An innovative teaching space available to faculty in the LTC Studio Fellows Program

We Help Students
Need Help With Homework?
From class specific learning support, to help with writing papers, to tutoring, to tips for becoming a better student, the LTC has it all to keep you on the right track.
Resources for Students
Meet one-on-one with one of our professional academic coaches to discuss time management, study skills, motivation, challenges, your approach to learning, and more. Each session is tailored to your individual needs.
Find a CoachMany courses offer Supplemental Instruction (SI), which includes weekly group review sessions led by peer facilitators.
Find a Study GroupVisit the Write Place for one-one-one peer consultations for all stages of your writing at all levels or submit a paper digitally for review by a Write Place consultant.
Get Writing Help
We Help Faculty and Staff
Supporting Faculty & Staff
Staff and Faculty help our students learn and grow and the LTC is here to support the Staff and Faculty. The LTC offers resources to support learning, teaching, and professional development.
The LTC offers the Midterm Instructional Diagnosis (MID) twice a year, midway through both fall and spring semesters, as a tool for faculty to evaluate a course during the term. The instructor can then use the feedback from students and the MID facilitator to make adjustments to the course that he or she deems appropriate.
Register to Receive or Facilitate!The University of Dayton administers an online student feedback tool (SFT) at the end of each semester powered by Anthology Course Evaluations.
Student Feedback Tool (SFT)Advancing Teaching & Learning Scholars (ATLS) is a new professional development program aimed at helping faculty understand UD, its systems, and key resources in and around the Ryan C. Harris Learning Teaching Center used to drive student success.
ATLSAt the University of Dayton, we believe that academic advising is a transformative activity that plays a critical role in the development of the whole person, we believe that advising is collaborative, meaning-making and promotes reflection and agency for students on their vocational journey
Academic Advising
Midterm Instructional Diagnosis (MID)
The LTC offers the Midterm Instructional Diagnosis (MID) twice a year as a tool for faculty to evaluate a course during the term. Check out this incredible tool for faculty to advance their courses with peer and student feedback.

The Office of Learning Resources empowers students by removing barriers to access and providing the services they need to perform at their highest academic level. From accommodations to writing support, the OLR have students covered every step of the way.

Welcome to the Center for Online Learning at the University of Dayton. Our goal is to support innovative teaching and learning initiatives for on-campus and online programs while maintaining high-quality support for our existing solutions.

University of Dayton's unique Marianist approach to experiential learning means students engage in a rich abundance of hands-on learning opportunities in a collaborative, supportive community that values education of the whole person - mind, hands, and heart - in leadership and service for the common good.

The Common Academic Program is a learning experience that is shared in common among all undergraduate students, regardless of their major. The CAP’s distinctive structure is built on the notion that, while students will have unique experiences at UD, all academic programs and learning encounters are informed by the seven institutional learning goals.